Bulk Organic Supergreens

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By Matthew Sun

Below is a very interesting story that helps highlight the importance of super greens in the daily diet, and also as a part of any colon cleanse or detox.

“Schnabel, an agricultural chemist, conducted his first experiments with young grasses in 1930, when he used fresh cut grass [wheat grass] in an attempt to nurse dying hens back to health. The hens not only recovered, but they produced eggs at a higher rate than healthy hens. Encouraged by his results, he began drying and powdering grass for his family and neighbors to supplement their diets. The following year, Schnabel reproduced his experiment and achieved the same results. Hens consuming rations supplemented with grass doubled their egg production. Schnabel started promoting his discovery to feed mills, chemist and the food industry. Two large corporations, Quaker Oats and American Diaries Inc., invested millions of dollars in further research, development and production of products for animals and humans. By 1940, cans of Schnabel’s powdered grass were on sale in major drug stores throughout the United States and Canada.”

Juicing Whet Grass

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat_grass

We consider the product below to be the best nutritional health supplement and natural vitamin supplement available in the world, because it is the whole natural food. We also consider it to be the best weight loss supplements due to the fact that it can detox the body while nourishing it. People can reduce their food intake and still be confident they are getting a good supply of vitamins and minerals.

Alkalizing Superfood

It can be purchased from here.

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