How To Fast

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By Matthew Sun

How to fast

Fasting has been performed for as long as recorded history exists, as a way of purifying the body and keeping sickness at bay. Many religions and spiritual organizations also advocate fasting as a way to clean the body.

Usually it involves completely abstaining from food, but can also involve consuming some kind of liquid. The most common modern day forms of fasting are ‘water fasting‘ and ‘juice fasting‘, but because of the large amount of toxins we have in our bodies, fasting is only recommended for people who have already cleansed their bowels and liver using a good colon cleanse or detox program. The reason for this recommendation is that today’s diet is much worse than ever before in history. People consume far more meat than ever before, and the vegetables and grains they eat are laced with toxic chemicals and heavy metals. 100 years ago most people consumed very little meat, and all food was grown organically. Today our bodies contain a cocktail of synthetic chemicals that nobody really understands.

When a person starts to fast the body eliminates the stored toxins, but if the bodies elimination channels are not working, the toxins can build up in the blood stream and cause major problems such as headaches, nausea, tiredness, runny nose, irritability, insomnia, flu like symptoms and others. Unfortunately these side effects are what most meat eaters could expect if they were to embark on a fasting program. Doing several colon cleanses over the course of a year, and shifting to a vegan diet (or at least eating less meat), would prepare the body for a fast however. In short fasting is like the ultimate in cleansing, but it should be the final step, not the first.

The main advantage of performing a good colon cleanse (such as our recommended one) over a fast, is that the colon cleanse contains therapeutic clay which absorbs the toxins and safely removes them from the body. The clay also removes the mucoid plaque from the body in an effective manner, whereas on a fast the mucoid plaque would not usually be removed, and in the case of a water fast, may actually become more dry and hard as the bowel shrinks and stops being used. The cleanse also contains herbs that assist the body in removing these toxins by stimulating the organs, especially the liver and bowel.

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